Chirag Agarwal

Learning to Fly

3D dancing robot in OpenGl


This project aims at creating a 3D robot and make it dance to some music using the polygon primitives in OpenGl and glut libraries.

The bot is assigned a material.

Four different light sources are created at different locations and are triggered randomly to give a better look to the dance.

The bot is animated to dance to some basic steps. The song is ‘The Surfin’ Bird’ by ‘The Trashmen’. Yes, I love Family Guy 🙂

The background has walls and a dance floor. Appropriate texture mapping is incorporated to each of these planes.

Along with the above, the sound is implemented in the same program using the windows libraries.



You can find the code at



Here’s the youtube link to the video of my dancing bot. Please bear with the sound quality.



The code works only on Windows operating system. We can use it on any other platform without any sound. It uses the following libraries :


Make sure to include the “libwinmm.a” file in the project parameters. I’ve used the DevC++ IDE.

2 comments on “3D dancing robot in OpenGl

  1. prema
    April 9, 2017

    sir can i execute 3d dancing robot in ubuntu operating system

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